Education Law

Understanding student rights can help you stay on track after facing the consequences of a school suspension or expulsion. Schools have limitations to suspensions and expulsions in Pennsylvania, so don't accept their declaration without researching your rights. Students have the right to be educated, so don't be taken advantage of.
This brochure explains what schools in Pennsylvania can do regarding in-school suspensions, out-of-school suspensions, alternate education programs, expulsion, hearings, and special rules and disabilities. They must follow specific timelines and regulations to discipline students properly, so research and ensure that you are treated correctly.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are my rights as a student if I am facing suspension?

In Pennsylvania, students have the right to receive notice of the reasons for the suspension and an opportunity to explain their side of the story before a suspension takes place. For suspensions longer than three days, schools may be required to offer an informal hearing.

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