Northwestern Legal Services' main office is moving! Find us in Erie at the Griswold Plaza starting Wednesday 3/19. See Our New Address
NWLS works hard to get the best possible outcome for our clients whenever possible. While NWLS does not file lawsuits, we have been successful in other ways to bring about a monetary award to our clients. Listed below are the figures for the fiscal year 2022-2023.
Total Amount Received by our Clients: $1,290,289 for the year.
Monthly amount: Last fiscal year we averaged $42,344 in total monthly awards for our clients from unemployment compensation benefits, SSI, and public benefits.
Last fiscal year our advocates have committed to diligently work on our client's cases. Our staff has logged over 42,000 hours to assist our clients.
This past fiscal year we closed 1,738 telephone advice cases, 1,389 direct representation cases, and 144 pro bono hours were donated by private attorneys. We handled 3,127 cases and served 6,998 people.
We are proud of our accomplishments in our mission to seek justice and assist low-income individuals and families who need civil legal aid.